About Me

About Me

Hi I’m Keanu and welcome to my travel blog! And before you ask: yes, like the actor, Keanu Reeves.

Some quick facts about me. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I currently work as a full-time physical therapist. And most importantly for this blog, I love traveling and the planning that goes with it.

I didn’t travel much growing up. I lived with my grandparents who were mostly homebodies. The only time I “went out” was, like, to the beach. Sadly, I don’t have any memories hiking, camping, or road tripping with my family. I did, however, go to Las Vegas quite often, but only because my grandparents liked to gamble.

As a kid, my biggest sense of travel came from playing Pokémon on the Game Boy, collecting gym badges from town to town.

A trip to New York City with my high school concert band was what sparked this band geek’s my interest in travel. Walking among the tall skyscrapers, listening to the hustle and bustle of the street, and taking in the sheer fact I was not in California left quite an impact on me. It was just soooo different than Los Angeles. I came back and told my dad I was going to live there someday.

In college, I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain for an entire summer. I was twenty years old and it was my first time outside of America. While it is cliché to say, I must admit that studying abroad changed my life. I was hooked.

After undergrad, I went to graduate school for physical therapy and became a physical therapist in the middle of the pandemic. Throughout the years, I have reflected on my priorities and at the top of the list…you guessed it…I want to travel the world!

But wait, how can one possibly travel the world while working full-time at their 9 to 5 job?

That’s the million dollar question.

And it’s precisely why I created my travel blog, 9to5TravelGuy.com!

My blog serves to prove you can make time to explore the world, while still working your full-time job back at home.

If you are like me, you value the financial security and stability your full-time job provides and you are not willing to sacrifice that to roam the world as a social media influencer traveling nomad. If my values resonate with yours, then I hope my blog can inspire you to travel like me.

Admittedly, my travel blog is in its beginning stages. I am, however, ready to tackle the challenge, prove to others, and most importantly, prove to myself that I can make my dream my reality.

So folks, that’s my story! I would be absolutely thrilled if you’d take the time to follow and subscribe to my blog! Find me on social media @9to5travelguy on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and @the9to5travelguy on Pinterest.

I look forward to bringing fresh content to the travel blogging sphere.

Til the next adventure,

— Keanu @9to5travelguy