Past Loch Vale, my boyfriend and I came across a family of deer. There were other hikers taking pictures and we decided to join them. The other hikers eventually left and we decided to take an extended break.
Suddenly, a bunch of the deer became agitated and started hustling away. Before I could process what was happening, a massive animal made its presence. Mid- snack, my boyfriend and I became struck with fear. The animal was looking at us with our snacks in hand.
When the momentary physical paralysis waned, I instinctively breathed to my boyfriend “keep on moving, let’s get out of here.” My boyfriend, still stunned, didn’t move, but I forcibly pushed him along. “Don’t make eye contact” I said sternly. We trudged along on the trail, praying to not be trampled over or something.
I am no expert on animals, but after doing some research looking on Google, I believe we saw a rare sighting of a bull moose. I could be totally wrong, but the thing was beastly. I mean it scared the smaller deer away!
Not sure if just moving along was the right thing to do, but we consider ourselves so lucky to have avoided a potentially dangerous situation. Sound off in the comments below.
What would you have done? What should we have done? I just know I wanted to get the heck out of there…